I know, I know...it's such a trendy thing and so many people know what you mean when you say you're a servant leader. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic concept and one that a lot of solid leaders reflect.
AND every. single. other. leader calls themselves that! I don't know about you, but I want to describe my own leadership style. Sure, there may be similar concepts, but at the end of the day, I want to coin my style so that it's authentic and unique to me. Get my drift?
If you're like me, you might be struggling with how to actually define your leadership style. All good. I gotchu...Here are some questions that you can simmer on to guide you there:
How do you define leadership?
Is a leader the same thing as a manager? Why or why not?
What makes you different than every other leader you know?
What leader made the greatest impact on you?
If you had to pick an analogy to define your leadership style, what would that be?
Are people born with leadership skills or are they taught leadership skills?
Think about a time when you were tasked to lead. It can be leading a meeting, a project, or a group of individuals. What actions did you take as the leader?
Jot these all down in your journal. Step back and read your answers out loud. Do you see any similar themes that stand out? Is there a specific method that you tend to lean towards in your answers?
Now, the fun part - time to coin your leadership style! Think about an adjective that succinctly represents the theme that you jotted down in your journal. Boom! You've just created your own definition of your leadership style. No need to call yourself a servant leader anymore. 😉
💜 Mollie